Monday 14th
This was an elegant day and most of the crowd went up to Tokyo. In the morning Oliver and I got rickshaws and went for a ride out into the country. We stopped at a pretty little tea house and had tea and cigars while Sokuka and her friends entertained us with a few up-to-date songs including Teasing and a few others of the vintage of 1895. In the P.M., Moore, Oliver and I took a sampan and went over to the Wisconsin. Then we went ashore and visited Sokuka and her friends again. The rickshaw and sampan men have us all sized up for easy marks but we are getting wise to them. They ask where we are from and when we say "the Minnesota" they double the price. In the evening we went ashore again and went looking for the original #9 which we heard was away out in the country. We fetched up about four miles out of the city and were surrounded by about a thousand Japs who seemed to be all worked up over something. We gave them our regards and beat it. The rickshaw men were all tired out so we had to come back by trolley.

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