Wed. Oct. 10th
Still cold and rainy. Woke up and got ready to work to La Carlota away the other side of the Bago River. The transit party stayed in to help move while Hill, Gard and I went out on the line as the levels were behind. We ran until about three and ended up near a hacienda. We went over there and the haciendero talked English so we talked with him until four and started for Carlota. After walking about one hour we stopped at a hacienda and got a boy to show us the way. The roads were knee deep in mud and it got dark about six o'clock and we ploughed along in the dark for a couple of hours through the rain and mud, forded five rivers up to our waists and finally got into town about eight at night. Found Worthington at the school teachers but no camp outfit. The teacher let us have a blanket apiece and we turned in on a bamboo bed and slept the sleep of the just. Meanwhile the pack train was having troubles of its own. They left the Bago River about five, lost the road about dark and ploughed along across country through mud knee deep. The cariboas could hardly pull the carretones and the men had to help pull the carts. About eleven at night they pulled under a sugar mill, got supper and stayed there the rest of the night.
Still cold and rainy. Woke up and got ready to work to La Carlota away the other side of the Bago River. The transit party stayed in to help move while Hill, Gard and I went out on the line as the levels were behind. We ran until about three and ended up near a hacienda. We went over there and the haciendero talked English so we talked with him until four and started for Carlota. After walking about one hour we stopped at a hacienda and got a boy to show us the way. The roads were knee deep in mud and it got dark about six o'clock and we ploughed along in the dark for a couple of hours through the rain and mud, forded five rivers up to our waists and finally got into town about eight at night. Found Worthington at the school teachers but no camp outfit. The teacher let us have a blanket apiece and we turned in on a bamboo bed and slept the sleep of the just. Meanwhile the pack train was having troubles of its own. They left the Bago River about five, lost the road about dark and ploughed along across country through mud knee deep. The cariboas could hardly pull the carretones and the men had to help pull the carts. About eleven at night they pulled under a sugar mill, got supper and stayed there the rest of the night.

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