The Journal of Fletcher Ames Hatch

Being an account of my experience while at work for the Philippine R.R. Co. After you have read these pages, don't talk to me about all engineers having a snap.

If anything happens to me this book is to be sent to my brother Israel Hatch, RD#1, Rockland, Massachusetts, USA.

[transcribed from the original diary by Wynona B. and Jon-Richard Little, 2007]

Thurs. Nov. 1st

Sick all day, slept a little in afternoon. Still cold and rainy.


Friday Nov 2 nd

Party moved to Himanaylau. I was too sick to go so moved my cot over to Townsends's, the Am. teacher here. Felt a little better in P.M. Still raining.


Sat. Nov. 3 rd

Feeling a little better to celebrate my 23rd birthday. Have a little appetite but my bowels are still sore and lame. Still raining hard. Got some mail in P.M. and I got two letters from Ma, one from Abbie and a whole bunch of newspapers.


Sun. Nov. 4 th

Laid round on the cot all day feeling pretty bum, but managed to write to Ma. Rained in morning but cleared about noon and looks as though the rainy season is over.


Mon. Nov. 5th

Left Binalbagan and came down to Himanaylau. Had an omnibus and a swift bull and covered the seven miles in a little under four hours. Seemed good to get back to the bunch. Cooper came in sick just after I got here. Didn't rain to-day, something wrong.


Tues. Nov. 6 th

Laid round all day feeling pretty bum. Cooper sick and Worthington under the weather so Farnham telegraphed to Dr. Carson to come over. Thinks I have a touch of catarrh of the bowels. Pay for September came in the afternoon.


Wed. Nov. 7 th

Felt better to-day. Gard came in sick in morning adding to the hospital effect of the building. Hill came in early sick and soon after Patsy came in with his feet so sore he could hardly walk. Only rained a little to-day.


Thurs. Nov. 8 th

The whole crowd was more or less on the bum to-day so everybody stayed in and worked on the estimates. It rained hard in the afternoon and all the night. We got a bunch of mail in the afternoon and I got letters from Ma, Abbie, Roy, June and Ralph Wilder all dated around Sept 10th to 20th. Abbie and Austin sent me three boxes of Dill's tobacco as a birthday present and Roy sent me a couple plugs of Lucky Strike.


Fri. Nov. 9 th

Party in camp again to-day working on estimates. ___ all feeling better. Townsend came down to lunch. Rained all day.


Sat. Nov 10 th

Whole crowd recovered and went out on line again to-day. Barber is rodding now and I have Gard with me. It rained in P.M. so Gard and I came in early. Patsy has a big boil on his leg. Roads a sea of mud; shall be glad when we get some decent weather.


Sunday Nov. 11

Laid round all day as usual. Wrote to Ma, Ab. And Roy, sent Ma $14.75. Didn't rain much to-day. Night made hideous by a crazy woman and several dogs. Start on another canned salmon trip to Ilog to-morrow.


Mon. Nov. 12 th

Got up early and packed up for a flying trip to Cabancalan. Ran line as far as barrio of Benequel and got into Cabancalan about sun down. Road nothing but a strip of mud between two rows of tigbau grass. Fine day all day.


Tues. Nov. 13 th

Ran line from Benequel into Cabancalan and mapped the town in the afternoon. Living with Ise. The school teacher. Has a fine house and a piazza with a big hammock on it. Fine day all day.


Wed. Nov. 14 th

Went back to Benequel and ran a line out the other side of town. Patsy laid up with sore feet and Gard chained. Ran about four miles. Cabancalan a good place. A barrio of Ilog and located on the bank of the Ilog River, the biggest river in the province, almost as large as the Connecticut River at Hanover. Fine day all day.


Thurs. Nov.15 th

Ran yesterdays line on further and meandered the river for a ways and set two permanent hubs at the end of the line as Cabancalan will probably be the end of the line. Fine day all day; sure having fine weather these days. Nights almost as cool as September nights at home.


Fri. Nov. 16 th

Went back almost to Suay and ran another line into Cabancalan. Fine day.


Sat. Nov. 17 th

Finished yesterdays line and then started back to Himamaylan. Got nearly there at noon and in P.M. worked on a short piece of line below town. Came into camp early. Pretty glad to get home again. Dr. Hagen in camp and everybody was lined up for medical inspection. I was about the only one that didn't have sore feet. Got telegram from E.J. saying start at Cabancalan and locate northward so we will probably go on location some time next week. Had a big time in Iloilo the 14 th starting construction. Fine weather all the week and roads are pretty well dried up. Got a letter from Abbie and Ma to-night.


Sun. Nov. 18 th

Laid round camp as usual. Dr. Hagen here. Had a great time photographing some kids in the morning. Wrote to Ma, June and Ed Gilbert. Fine day all day.


Mon. Nov. 19 th

Went out in the forenoon and ran about a mile the last end of preliminary on this end. Came in and worked on estimates in afternoon. Start locations to-morrow. Fine dall but rained at night.


Tues. Nov 20 th

Transit party went out and started lumbering location back of town here. Hill and I worked on estimate of last section all day. Wrote to Charlotte Perkins. Developing machine came from Manila. Farnham and Cooper started on a reconnaissance trip from Cabancalan over the mountains to Dumaguete. Fair all day.


Wed.Nov.21 st

Hill and I stayed in camp and finished up the estimates. Transit party running ___ line. Watkins of Iloilo called in A.M. Fair all day.


Thurs. Nov. 22 nd

Hill and I stayed in camp with Worthington. Didn’t do much but adjust the second transit. I gave a native boy two pesos for a pup, he is a savage little brute. Got mail, a letter from Carrie and my films came down from Manila. Fair all day. Sent twenty pesos, two spools of film and ordered 4 sp. Of film from S.B.&Co., Manila.


Fri. Nov. 23 rd

Hill and I went up the Diot Riv. in A.M. and took ravine section. Laid round camp in P.M. Wrote to Carrie. Fine day all day.


Sat. Nov. 24 th

Hill and I went out and took sections on Caradion and Suay Rivers. Came in early. Capt. Bowers stopped in P.M. He had just come over the mountains from Dumeguete. Rained a little in P.M.


Sun. Nov. 25 th

In A.M. Patsy and I went up to barrio of Gison five mi. above here on coast. Hired a boat and had a great sail back. Bought some pina cloth and sent it to Ma. Wrote to Ma and Jr. Fair day. Start canned salmon trip to Cabancalan to-morrow.


Monday Nov. 26 th

Got up and went to Cabancalan. Took section on Beuequal River. ___ had a lot of Manila Times and we got a lot of news, including election returns, a few football scores, the baseball pennants, and some other. A rumor reached us that Germany has declared war on Russia. Fair and very hot all day. Rec’d telegram from Fanham saying probably no line.


Tues. Nov. 27 th

Fair and hot all day. Transit party finished hub line at noon and after dinner we started actual location. I had Gard and Rosario getting property lines etc. Got a paper from Roy with account of first foot ball games. Fine moonlight night and we laid round on Isea's piazza until ten thirty.


Wed. Nov. 28 th

Ran about 1 ½ mi. of location. Gard moving camp back from Cabancalan. When we came into camp we found Mr. Watkins here also two lieutenants and twenty soldiers of the inf. Who are making a map of the island. The two officers came over after supper and the 2nd lieut. Robinson is from Boston. Fine day all day and hot to-morrow no travalio. Cholera in Vallodolid, 20 mi. above here.


Thurs. Nov. 29 th Thanksgiving

Holiday to-day. Hot as sin and we all laid around camp and bought stuff of the soldiers who are here. In the evening we had a big turkey dinner, present beside ourselves, Mr. Watkins of Iloilo, Ise and Bosold from Cabancalan and Lieuts. Norton and Robinson of the 8th Inf. We had a good dinner and a good time. Everybody well stocked with shoes, leggings, socks, pants, etc.


Fri. Nov. 30 th

Ran about a mile and a half. Hot in A.M. and thunder storm and rain in P.M.